Internet And Network Technologies
5G Security and Privacy Practices
5G Security & Privacy Practices

5G Security & Privacy Practices

Course Number:
Lesson Objectives

5G Security & Privacy Practices

  • discover the key concepts covered in this course
  • outline the history of security in telecommunications as well as the importance of privacy, especially in today’s highly connected network
  • identify the most common motivations behind attacks on telecom networks, including acquiring information and disrupting services
  • discuss the fundamental principles involved in the implementation of network security and the methodologies used to achieve it
  • describe the network vulnerabilities that are unique to 5G networks
  • examine how the very architecture of 5G vastly increases the number of potentially vulnerable entry points into the network due to various technological innovations
  • describe the 5G security vulnerabilities introduced with the advent of virtualization and slicing mechanisms
  • outline how the use of non-standalone installations can introduce new vulnerabilities that must be dealt with
  • list the various solutions made available to both equipment vendors as well as mobile network operators to ensure safe communication over 5G networks
  • list the various standards that have been put into place in 5G networks by design to ensure network security on 5G infrastructure
  • describe how security policies must be system-wide, where telecom networks such as 5G are only one of many important components
  • summarize the key concepts covered in this course

While 5G opens up new opportunities, it also introduces new challenges. These include security and privacy concerns. Many of the characteristics of 5G can be leveraged by malicious attackers to compromise networks and the services they carry. However, with the appropriate deployment methodologies, virtually all of these vulnerabilities can be addressed to ensure a safe and secure network for all users. Use this course to investigate various aspects of security for 5G networks. Begin by exploring security and privacy in general before taking a closer look at the potential vulnerabilities inherent to 5G. Finally, examine the various built-in security mechanisms used to mitigate these threats, as well as the best practices and policies employed to ensure 5G remains safe for all to use. When you're done, you'll be able to provide solutions and workarounds for the primary security and privacy issues pertinent to 5G.


Prerequisites: none

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